
An interact event should be triggered whenever a piece of content is interacted with by a user. Assuming that you are showing 8.SET product set data and a user clicks on a product contained in that set, the event should look like the following example:

  "type": "interact",
  "interact": {
    "action": "click",
    "type": "product",
    "product": {
      "sku": "654321-7890"
  "context": [
      "content": {
        "matchingProductClusters": {
          "id": "457297-0001-00340"
        "type": "matchingProductClusters"
      "type": "content"
      "type": "user",
      "user": {
        "id": "c57a43f7-eefc-462b-b5a8-0ef421e90f67"

The context array must currently always contain an object with type user as defined in the context section and the user ID specified therein must be a consistent identifier as described in the user identification section.

An interact event is identified by its type interact and an additional interact property containing specific information about the content being interacted with. This property should in turn have a type and content-specific payload, as well as an optional third property action specifying the user interaction, e.g. click or addToCart.

Currently, only product interactions are taken into consideration.


An interact event with type product must contain a product property containing the sku of the respective product and can contain an action.

Some example actions: click, addToCart, navigateTo, addToWishlist, like, share.

  "interact": {
    "action": "click",
    "type": "product",
    "product": {
      "sku": "654321-7890"

While an arbitrary action can be supplied we currently only have KPIs that differentiate between addToCart and any other action.

If you are not sure how to name the action simply omit the property.

Last updated

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