GraphQL Schema

Full annotated GraphQL introspection schema for reference.

schema {
  query: Query

The 8SELECT GraphQL API currently supports 8.SET Compose only.
type Query {
  Fetch 8.SET Compose product sets for a given trigger product.
    "Specifies the trigger product for which to fetch product sets."
    input: SetComposeQueryInput!
    "An optional number of product sets to fetch."
    first: Int
  ): ProductSetConnection
    @deprecated(reason: "Please use `setCompose` query instead.")

  Fetch 8.SET Compose product sets for a given trigger product.
    "Specifies the trigger product for which to fetch product sets."
    input: SetComposeQueryInput!
    "An optional number of product sets to fetch."
    first: Int
  ): ProductSetConnection

  Fetch 8.SET Photo sets
    input: SetPhotoQueryInput
    "The end cursor of the previous page of photo sets"
    after: String
    "An optional number of photo sets to fetch (default: 10)."
    first: Int
  ): PhotoSetConnection

The set of query types supported by `setCompose`.
enum SetComposeQueryType {
  "The stock keeping unit identifier for a set of different product variants."
  "The identifier specifying a set of different products of the same model."
  "The stock keeping unit identifier for a specific product."

The trigger product for which to query product sets.
input SetComposeQueryInput {
  "The type of identifier by which to specify the trigger product."
  queryType: SetComposeQueryType!
  "The actual identifier to which the `queryType` refers."
  value: String!

The set of query types supported by `setPhoto`.
enum SetPhotoQueryType {
  "The identifier for photo set tags."

The photo set filter values which to include and exclude.
If the queryType 'TAGS' is set. either include or exclude must contain at least one item
input SetPhotoQueryInputTagFilter {
  "The filter values which to exclude."
  exclude: [String!]!
  "The filter values which to include."
  include: [String!]!

The photo set filters with which the photo sets are queried.
input SetPhotoQueryInput {
  "The type of identifier by which to filter the photo sets."
  queryType: SetPhotoQueryType!
  "The actual filter values to which the `queryType` refers."
  value: SetPhotoQueryInputTagFilter!

The pagination information of the current page.
type PageInfo {
  "The cursor identifying the end of the current page."
  endCursor: String
  "Indicates whether more data is available"
  hasNextPage: Boolean!

A "page" of product sets containg a given number of items.
type ProductSetConnection {
  "The list of product sets in the current page."
  edges: [ProductSetEdge!]!
  "The pagination information of the current page."
  pageInfo: PageInfo

A "page" of photo sets containing a given number of items
type PhotoSetConnection {
  "The list of photo sets in the current page."
  edges: [PhotoSetEdge!]!
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge referring to a single product set.
type ProductSetEdge {
  "The product set this edge refers to."
  node: ProductSet!

An edge referring to a single photo set.
type PhotoSetEdge {
  "The photo set this edge refers to."
  node: PhotoSet!

A product set based on a given trigger product.
type ProductSet {
  "The id of this specific product set."
  id: String!
  "The id of the snapshot for the specific product set used in this API request."
  snapshotId: String
  "An optional title of the product set."
  title: String
  "An optional description of the product set."
  description: String
  The trigger product this product set is based upon.
  _Note: If this product is currently unavailable the closest alternative will
  be used._
  triggerProduct: Product!
  List of cross-selling products that combine well with the trigger product.
  setProducts: [Product!]!

A photo set based on a given filter
type PhotoSet {
  "The id of this specific photo set."
  id: String!
  "An optional title of the photo set."
  title: String
  "The list of images of the current photo set."
  images: PhotoSetImageConnection!
  tags: [String!]

A "page" of photo set images
type PhotoSetImageConnection {
  "The list of photo set images of the current photo set."
  edges: [PhotoSetImageEdge!]!

An edge referring to a single image of a specific photo set
type PhotoSetImageEdge {
  "The photo set image this edge refers to."
  node: PhotoSetImage!

An image of a specific photo set
type PhotoSetImage {
  "The image url of a photo set"
  url: String!

The interface of fields all product types have in common.
interface IProduct {
  "The stock keeping unit of a product."
  sku: String!
  "The model a product is based upon."
  model: ProductModel
  "A list of variants for a product."
  variants: ProductVariantConnection!

A specific product.
type Product implements IProduct {
  "The stock keeping unit of this product."
  sku: String!
  "The model this product is based upon."
  model: ProductModel
  "The list of variants for this product."
  variants: ProductVariantConnection!
  The list of similar products to potentially substitute this product with in
  a product set.
  alternatives(first: Int): ProductAlternativeConnection!

A "page" of alternative products containing a given number of items.
type ProductAlternativeConnection {
  "The list of similar products in the current page."
  edges: [ProductAlternativeEdge!]!
  "The pagination information of the current page."
  pageInfo: PageInfo

An edge referring to a single alternative product.
type ProductAlternativeEdge {
  "The alternative product this edge refers to."
  node: ProductAlternative!

A specific alternative product.
type ProductAlternative implements IProduct {
  "The stock keeping unit of this product."
  sku: String!
  "The model this product is based upon."
  model: ProductModel
  "The list of variants for this product."
  variants: ProductVariantConnection!

A "page" of product variants containing a given number of items.
type ProductVariantConnection {
  "The list of product variants in the current page."
  edges: [ProductVariantEdge!]!
  "The pagination information of the current page."
  pageInfo: PageInfo

An edge referring to a single product variant.
type ProductVariantEdge {
  "The product variant this edge refers to."
  node: ProductVariant!

The specific variant of a product.
type ProductVariant {
  "The stock keeping unit referring to this specific product variant."
  sku: String!

A model uniting several products.
type ProductModel {
  id: String!

Introspection Query

Through its introspection capabilities, GraphQL also allows to get information about the underlying schema using regular API queries. The following example allows to fetch information about all top-level queries, their retrievable fields as well as parameters that can be passed to them:

query {
  __schema {
    queryType {
      fields {
        args {
          type {
        type {
          fields {
            type {

Using appropriate tooling though, it will not be necessary to query this information most of the time. Instead almost every modern development environment has built-in functionalities to provide the information automatically.

Last updated