
A view event should be triggered whenever a piece of content slides into the users viewport. Assuming that you are showing 8.SET Compose product set data, that event should look like the following example:

  "type": "view",
  "view": {
    "type": "setCompose",
    "setCompose": {
      "id": "1b3de0bd-95c6-435a-8bb9-f4cae0160388"
  "context": [
      "type": "user",
      "user": {
        "id": "c57a43f7-eefc-462b-b5a8-0ef421e90f67"

A view event is identified by its type view and an additional view property containing specific information about the content being viewed. This property should in turn have a type and content-specific payload.

Currently, only setCompose views are taken into consideration.


A view event with type setCompose must contain a setCompose property containing the id of the viewed product set:

  "view": {
    "type": "setCompose",
    "setCompose": {
      "id": "1b3de0bd-95c6-435a-8bb9-f4cae0160388",

Last updated